What can you learn from the appearance of marijuana seeds?
It has now become a trend to consume marijuana for both medicinal and recreational purposes. From the Girl Scout Cookies strain to the Cookie Dough strain, you have several choices. However, some consumers like to grow marijuana plants from seeds. The seed buyers have to know about every detail before making the purchase. In most cases, the buyers inspect the seeds visually. But, what does the appearance of these seeds indicate? Stripes on your weed seeds- What do they represent ? You can notice delicate brown shades in your marijuana seeds. Using a magnifying glass, you will find the natural beauty of these seeds. It is better to check these seeds under the light. The seeds seem to have a wax coating on the surface. However, there may be differences in the appearance of every cannabis seed. Interestingly, some seeds have tiger stripes on them with homogeneous coloration. But, the seed’s overall look does not indicate the plant quality. Factors, like genetics and plant sex, are hi...