Things To Know About Green Weed Seeds

While picking green weed seeds, here are a few things that you must know. Are the seeds hard, or do they break and become dust when pressed? The color of the seeds - whether they are light in color or dark? These are the two most common methods to find out whether a seed is healthy enough or worth growing or not.

If the quality of the seeds is healthy enough, the harvest will no doubt be good. Ensure there is good lighting and proper water and nutrient supply. At the same time, keep an eye on top-shelf genetics, which is equally important.

Colour Size and Shape Of Seeds

Unlike the seeds of vegetables, fruits, or grains, the cannabis seeds don't go through any rigorous breeding technique for a stable output. It implies that you may start with a pack of similar seeds labeled as the same strain but later may get a plant that looks different. Therefore, there are chances that the seeds from a bank may vary in appearance.

Although the size and shape are not the only benchmarks, some strains may give small sized seeds. Also, the same plant may produce seeds of various shapes and sizes. Therefore, it is not an intelligent approach to accept or discard a seed based on its size or shape.

On the other hand, the feel and color of the seed are relatively reliable signs of quality. These can indicate a lot about the maturity as well as the potential to grow or germinate into a healthy seedling.

Cannabis seeds that are matured enough have a relatively harder external shell. It can vary in color, like dark or light grey or tiger stripes. The seeds won't get damaged if you press them firmly.

On the other hand, immature seeds will be green in color and have a soft external shell that would easily break when you apply pressure to it. Also, keep in mind that the storage and packaging process of the seeds can influence the appearance of the seeds.

Any sudden change in temperature, light, or humidity can make the seed appear lighter or darker. However, it will not affect the overall quality of the seeds. For growth, you need to pollinate the female strain of the green weed seed with the male strain. Though female plants can develop seeds, they need pollination for growth.

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