Why do cannabis strains have different colors?

 Cannabis strains may be identifiable with your senses. You can taste and smell the weeds to detect the strain. However, while buying these weeds online, consumers make their decisions by checking the visual appeal and color. Although you have thought of buying green weeds, cannabis strains are not always green. While some strains are white, others have funky colors.

Why do cannabis strains have differences in colors?

Cannabis strains mostly alter their colors during the flowering process. But, why does it happens? The major reason behind it is genetics. The term, anthocyanins refers to more than 400 pigment molecules (flavonoids). Based on the pH level, they are of different colors, like red, purple, and blue. Some flavonoids are yellow, and they do not affect flavor.

There are some other reasons for the alteration of colors. This color variability is comparable to the color-changing process of Mother Nature during autumn. Due to the lower temperature, tree leaves can change to red, gold, and yellow from green.


Temperature is another factor affecting chlorophyll production. In case of cannabis, colors become visible with the reduced temperature. The perfect PH level for cannabis is 5.5 to 6.5. However, at the time of flowering, there is a reduction of anthocyanins to cause a difference in colors.

Cannabis strains of different colors-


You may have heard of Black Tuna, Black Willy, and other Black Indica strains. In most cases, black strains can cause cerebral highs due to the presence of intense psychedelic.


Some cannabis buds are grown to the highest potentials. As they have a cover with trichomes, they look frosty white. Trichomes contain terpenes and cannabinoids. That is why flowers are highly potent. The most popular options available for you are White Rhino, White Widow, and White Elephant strains.


The most predominant color of cannabis strains is green. Due to chlorophyll, the pigment absorbs sunlight to promote the photosynthesis process. As there is a high amount of chlorophyll, the green tone hides other pigments. Green Goblin, Green Crack, and Amnesia Trance Strain are the best choice for cannabis consumers. You can find the standard green tone among them.

Cannabis flowers are available in several other shades ranging from blue to purplish. Anthocyanins make the weeds more colorful, although they are not present in a high amount in young plants. However, you have to check other traits of cannabis to buy the right one. The best cannabis store also sells other herbs, like salvia. You can prepare Salvia tea to have herbal drinks.


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